Monday, February 23, 2009

Poetry Wednesday 2/25/09


There might be some change on top of the dresser at the 

back, and we should check the washer and the dryer. Check
under the floor mats of the car. The couch cushions. I have 
some books and CDs I could sell, and there are a couple big
bags of aluminum cans in the basement, only trouble is that
there isn't enough gas in the car to get around the block. I'm
expecting a check sometime next week, which, if we are careful,
will get us through to payday. In the meantime with your one—
dollar rebate check and a few coins we have enough to walk to 
the store and buy a quart of milk and a newspaper. On second
thought, forget the newspaper.

(Click on the title to read an interview with the poet about this type of verse called prose poetry.  Click on the author's name to hear him read another one of his poems.")


  1. This is great ! Thanks, Mary. Love, Laurita.

  2. Yes prose is the style of Shakespeare.
    Tarry not, the post prior to my poem may help?

  3. Yes Mary, It is a timely and beautiful writting. Thank you for sharing. This week mine is a poetry by Smt. Sarojini Naidu, Nightingale of India on SUTTEE - Please see it at -

  4. Very timely poem given the current state of the economy.
    I enjoyed the link about this new poet for me....very interesting man!

  5. Wow. You have written about so many's day to day existence at the moment. Well put commentary on todays condition.

  6. Timely for the state of the economy. Enjoyed it. Thank you

  7. Jenkins is new to me. He is so open about his creative process. Quite intriguing to me.
    I like this work of his. I can certainly relate to it, as I am sure many of us can. lol

  8. Thank you for all your kind comments.
