Sunday, January 3, 2010

Back To Work Tomorrow

Sometimes I can feel overwhelmed but I learned a long time ago to divide large tasks into baby steps,  take the baby steps and soon the large task is completed.


  1. Little or not jobs can be, all can dignify those who perform them... have a great start of your new year at work!

  2. We can set goals for ourselves that may seem impossible unless we break the long term goals down into intermediate and short term goals. Sometimes that changes them from "impossible" to "unlikely" and even "achievable". The secret is to work toward the achievable one day at a time and don't worry so much about the long term objectives.

    I once worked with a man whose ambition was to "jog around the world."

    I thought at the time that no matter where you started on this journey, you were bound to run into some insurmountable obstacles, like polar ice caps if you go north to south, or oceans if you run around the world at the equator.

    He said he wasn't going to jog physically around the world, but he did know that the circumference of the earth at the equator is 24,901.55 miles (give or take 100 yards) and that was the DISTANCE he intended to jog.

    Knowing the distance, he divided it up into what he could realistically jog in any 24 hour period, and I think 10 miles was the average. Then it was simply a matter of doing the math: C/10 where C is the circumference and 10 is the number of miles per day. The resulting number (2490) is the number of days it would take him, which would just over 7 years.

    He pinned a number of maps to the wall, and traced his route starting from Baton Rouge.

    It was somewhat amazing to see his results on a map when his route would intersect with cities or interesting places along the way.

    I moved away before he finished his journey, but met up with him about 10 years later. He had finished his jog around the world, and had some new maps on the wall. This time he decided to jog to the moon.
    He said he had to increase the miles per day for this run because he was already 35 years old and to just get to the moon would take him 65 years at 10 miles per day.

    He didn't give up on his goal, but he altered his approach to make it achievable.

    I didn't ask him how he intended to get home once he got there ... guess he will take a taxi.

  3. You know I wonder if a virtual race could be designed where each person used the exercise of his choice - like I have an exercise bike and others have a treadmill, others jog or swim - and there was a site each logged on each day to see how far their progress was. Someone in the group would be the first to complete the Lewis and Clark trail or whatever. It might make exercise more fun? I wonder if there is such a site or group already?
