Monday, August 10, 2020

If I Were King


     In the 1960s when I was a kid the local governments had trucks drive around in the evenings with bug spray spewing out the back to control mosquitos.   As the pictures above indicates we chased the trucks.  My parents, once they caught the fact we were doing this, told us to stop.  Their reasoning being if the spray was bad for mosquitos it couldn't be good for us either.  But that is how life was in the 1960s.  It is 2020.  Today as the noon news played out the unrest and sickness we are struggling with in our larger communities, I began to day dream.  In my fantasy, trucks drive around with diffusers attached.  They diffuse essential oils.  While I can't "prescribe", I can suggest what I would use to "promote" certain things in my world.  I would have the trucks make the rounds a few times each day, and what was in the trucks would depend on what was happening in the community.  In the mornings, the Young Living blend Valor would start our day keeping  us on an even keel emotionally and full of courage.  Then later, the Young Living blend Thieves would purify the air during flu seasons or pandemics.  In the afternoon our focus would be brought into clarity with some peppermint.  As we wound down in the evenings the YL blend Stress Away would help us relax.  And then once it became dark Lavender would help us all wind down to prepare for a restful nights sleep.  The possibilities of which oils to use is endless and it is a wonderful mental vacation to think about it. 
     Of course it is a pipe dream to think about such trucks in our streets.  But we do have control over what we do in our homes.  We can diffuse oils to promote health and wellness and to support our emotions on a daily basis in our homes.   We can share with our friends and family and thereby enable them to do the same.  I doubt it is a coincidence that the areas which are most troubled by disease and unrest are the areas the farthest from the plants that grow in the wooded areas and meadows.  These plants are our partners in health.  If you are interested in knowing more please click HERE and enjoy the video that follows. 


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