Friday, May 10, 2024

The Thread Collectors by Shaunna J Edwards and Alyson Richman



The Thread Collectors is an historical novel set during the Civil War.   It is co authored by Shaunna J Edwards and Alyson Richman.  Each of them were inspired by their individual family histories to weave together a fiction story about their heritage.  Edwards is a black woman and Richman is a Jewish woman.  In the novel Stella is a black woman in New Orleans and Lily is a Jewish woman in New York.  The men they each love are both musicians and meet just before the Battle of Port Hudson.    The story line intertwines the four young people's lives and vividly brings home the horrors of the Civil War.  Both Stella and Lily support the union through their work with textiles.  While the women are quilting, rolling bandages, and embroidering maps on bits of cloth the men are waking the troops, entertaining officers in the evenings  and leading the troops into battle with their instruments.   This book is an easy quick read and has a lot of material for discussion therefore would be a good book group selection.  Please click on the four links above to sites with further information and enjoy the short video that follows.  

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