Saturday, January 25, 2025

A Dance With Dragons by George R. R. Martin



The last book that George R R Martin has completed in his Song Of Ice and Fire series is A Dance With Dragons.  This book was over eleven hundred pages long and I had to renew it, although I only kept it seven days past the renewal date before I completed it.  This is the first of the books that I noticed was much different than the television series.  In the other four books there were lots of similarities and the differences were in the details.  But in this novel the story line is not the same as the Game of Thrones television series.  It is obvious the television writers veered off in order to complete their programming,  The book continues to have much more detail and be more tastefully handled than the television series.  It does still have its fair share of sex and violence.  It pulls back into the story some of the characters that were left out of the fourth novel while still continuing the threads of the main characters. Cersei has her famous walk of shame in this novel and Arya is learning her art in the house of many faces. Two of the areas that are much different are the sections about the House of Greyjoy and the story line about Stannis.  Also Sansa's story is handled much differently.  As good as the television series was,  the books outshine them by far. I have my fingers crossed that George R R Martin will be able to finish writing his series.   Please click on the links at the book title and author's name above and enjoy the video that follows.  

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