Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Dinner and A Movie April 2011

I had my Tuesday evening with Mark and it was my turn to cook.  We rented the following movie.  I really liked it and suggest that others might enjoy it too.  Well . . . fans of former President Bush would probably not like it.  Of course I liked it for the same reasons they would not.


  1. I am sure you would like it Shawn.

  2. Finally, a movie which will get the message out about why Karl Rove and Dick Cheney should have been tried for treason.
    Excellent. I hope it breaks every box office record and leads to some long-overdue action.

  3. It came out in November and is now on DVD. No reason for peeps not to watch it. It also, besides explaining why we were lead into Iraq under false pretenses, brings to the front a debate about our responsibility as citizens in a govt of our type. There is a debate between Valerie and her husband after her cover is blown about why he just didn't keep quiet. She seemed to think for a time in the movie that there was no wisdom in taking on the white house.
