Thursday, July 4, 2024

The Monsters Of Templeton by Lauren Groff



I don't know how this book hopped on my to read list but if I could remember who suggested it I would sure thank them.  I checked it out on my kindle app from the State Library of Ohio and had no problems getting it read before it was due.  It really sucked me into the story.  Lauren Groff has created a very different novel and I am not sure how to describe it.  It isn't a historical novel.  It isn't a science fiction or fantasy book.   It isn't a romance.  It has drama.  It has humor.  The author's character development is pure art.  The monster in the lake is a loch nest type monster but to me the true monsters of Templeton are the small minded, small town people and their terrible behavior for the past two hundred years.  Since one of my hobbies is  family history, the protagonists search for the identity of her father by digging through genealogical records was a very interesting part of the book for  me.  There was a high percentage of undocumented paternity in the fictional little town of Templeton, New York.  The author uses Cooperstown as the model for Templeton so baseball fans are wandering about throughout the story.  This book will stay with me and is a favorite.  I will read more of Lauren Groff.  Please click on the book title and author's name above to follow links to more information and enjoy the video that follows.  

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