Saturday, August 3, 2024

A Game Of Thrones by George R. R. Martin



I avoided watching the Game Of Thrones Series on HBO until just before the final season came out.  Hubs and I were visiting my son and daughter in law during the Christmas holiday and they were watching it so we watched a couple episodes and we got hooked.   We returned home and binged all the episodes, of all the seasons, in time to watch the final season with the rest of the world in real time.  I was shocked that I watched it.  Not only very violent, it was pretty much pornography in some parts.   I was intrigued with the story line though and found myself wanting to read the books.  I put off starting reading them because they are long and I feared they would be difficult.  But with the current political climate in the U.S. I decided this election year I could use an escape.  So I checked out book one on my Libby app and was delightfully surprised.  The book is written in much better taste than the television series depicted.  Of course the violence and sex are there but not in the constant descriptive detail that the television series had.  It is an adult fiction story and not for children but it is not an offensive book.  I sailed through the one thousand some pages rather quickly.  I did have to renew it once but only was a few days into the renewal till I completed it.  I am looking forward to enjoying the rest of the books in the series.  It is going to be a great escape in the coming months.   Click on the book title and author's name above to follow links to more information and enjoy the video that follows.  

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