Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Burger?

You Are a Burger
You are a down to earth person and a straight shooter. You don't fall for fads or trends.
You are stable and a bit old fashioned. Tradition and loyalty are important to you.

You are a good friend and you like to have a good time. You find it easy to kick back.
You're not one to make waves in life. You're happy just to be a part of the fun.


  1. You Are a Burrito

    You're not a picky person. You're able to go with the flow and really enjoy life.

    You have a taste for the exotic, and you're quite adventurous. You're willing to try almost anything.

    You're very low maintenance. You don't mind getting a bit messy if it means having fun.

    You aren't superficial or easily impressed. Someone has to be the real deal if they're going to impress you.

    What Kind of Fast Food Are You?

  2. You Are a Sub

    You are casual but a bit picky. You know what you like, and you know what you hate.
    If you're able to do things your way, then you can relax. You like to have a say.

    You love variety and adventure. You get bored easily if nothing changes.
    You're always looking for the next new thing. You tend to get creative and think outside the box.
