Sunday, March 14, 2010

Free Market?

I haven't read this book but the videos certainly make it look interesting.  They are from 2007 but I only just watched them.   I was searching for items related to rampant greed resulting from de-regulation and ran across Naomi Klein.   (not to be confused with Naomi Wolfe who wrote The End of America,  which was thought provoking but also very controversial)   I thought I would enjoy sharing this with our cup of coffee today.

The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism


Naomi Klein

click on the title and author's name to learn more


  1. need to get ready for my swim but will come back later :)

  2. I saw a video of Naomi Wolfe doing a presentation about her book The End of America. I watched it some time last year, so it was funny because she is in a sense predicting different doom scenarios of martial law, which we would presume was going to happen under Bush, and none of it came even close to happening. I'll not bother reading her book.
    This book is not familiar to me. I'll have to check the videos to see what she's on about.

  3. I'm currently reading Rule By Secrecy by Jim Marrs (Harper Collins, 2000). (I read his Crossfire: The Plot to Kill Kennedy. It was engrossing!)

  4. I too saw the video and while I did not swallow the entire scenario she put forth, I felt it was a good warning for us all to keep an eye on our freedoms. We want to maintain them. I did not read her book either.

  5. Upon looking up Marrs, he is apparently a conspiracy theory type. Which are interesting to read but I generally do not get sucked in to the theories. Never the less, it is important to see other points of view and thank you for the reading suggestion dude! I will jot down the author's name on my want to read list.

  6. In the second video, Klein clarifies that she does not feel business leaders cause the disasters but rather that they use the situations that come up to their advantage to make policy changes. Opportunists one could say. In my opinion, nothing humankind has found works as well as capitalism, BUT, and this is a big but, there has to be regulation of industry and business, not only to prevent people from being taken advantage of but to prevent greed causing self destruction of the entire system. I do not feel that unions should be more powerful than management but I feel they need to exist to provide a balance to the system (disclaimer - I do not think they need to exist in the medical field - as I nurse I would not join one but they have an important place in manufacturing). We need not only unions but watch dog agencies, laws and regulations to keep a balance of power.
