Thursday, May 27, 2010

Wind Mill Farms

Over lunch with friends today,  they mentioned they had seen a very impressive wind farm while driving south of Kentland Indiana.  So of course I had to come home and do a search to find out more.   The following can be found in its entirety HERE

"The Wind Farm's Earth friendly power is being sold to local Utility companies in an attempt to lower energy costs and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Commercial operation began in April 2008. " I suppose they make some environmental noise.  I suppose a bird could get caught in them.  But overall it sure looks better than the pictures I see from the gulf coast lately. 


  1. That's great. Very peaceful - I wish we had been doing this for the past 10-15 years.

  2. Lunch conversation not only included that this wind farm existed and that similar farms are being built across the US but that the construction jobs as these places are built are darn good jobs if a person is willing to relocate to the job site for the duration.

  3. Way to go, it's about time! The wave of the future!

  4. We have had wind turbines in our area for almost 20 years. One of my sons helps build them, So far he has worked in Illinois, PA, Wyoming, Texas
    Minnesota , Indiana and probably some I forgot.

  5. Tess are they wind mill farms though? I know individuals have had wind mills on their farms or property since the 1980s or probably before that. The old style wind mill of course has been around since forever. But the idea of a farm field filled with wind mills to sell the electricity - has that been around a long time? I think of windmills more in places like Nebraska.

  6. Also Tess, what type of training does it require to work on the construction sites of windmill farms if that is what your son does?

  7. Benny they do seem peaceful don't they?

  8. And Sue it is certainly way past time!

  9. Sweet Mary!
    Ooh YAY! is what I say about these. We have a few fields, Vesta, down by Fond Du Lac.
    I can't watch the video, but know these farms are amazing!
    We have an issue on the east side of Green Bay- people NOT wanting them- And probably these same people are going to be complaining about the high cost of electricity. (People are dumb).

