Sunday, July 18, 2010

I have only watched the first one of these videos so far but wanted to be able to find them for later viewing.


  1. I just finished watching the tenth part so have completed it. I wish there was a way to imbedd the playlist into a blog rather than post the link as I think the entity that posted at YouTube detracts from the important message of the video with its comments on eugenics. It is more meaningful if a person watches the videos with a critical eye and comes up with their own conclusions.

  2. To me the video brings together a lot of pieces I have heard or read about in one place. I enjoyed all ten parts of it. Although I think it does not bring forth Monsanto's side of it. To draw conclusions I would have to see both sides of the issue.

  3. The fact that Monsanto is Headquartered in St Louis is one of those things that affects our city.

  4. In a good way or a bad way Stephen? Or is it a mixed bag?

  5. Both ways. Monsanto contributes to our local arts community and does all those neat things to improve its corporate image. It sponsors research at the Missouri Botanical Garden which has resulted in advances in agriculture (in which farmers have been sued for keeping back some of their crops for seeds, but I digress). It also sponsors research at our universities here, Washington University, St Louis University (the local Jesuit Catholic University) and UMSL. I would say its a mixed bag.

  6. I have visited the Missouri Botanical Garden and it is a wonderful place.

  7. There is a novel named Next written by Michael Crichton that addresses how we have mixed our university research up with industry and the problems that is causing. I highly recommend the book. It deals more with medical science but agricultural science would also apply to some of the concerns the book raises.

  8. I am glad that Monsanto contributes to these things.

  9. I felt like the videos that I linked to about the Monsanto company were one sided. No company is all bad. Most are a mixed bag.
