Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Now That Some Time Has Passed Since Health Insurance Reform Became The Law . . .

Every one has had time to get over being either furious or happy over the passage of Health Insurance Reform but of course we all still want more details of how it will effect our lives.  I just found this little video that I think explains the changes and when they can be expected to happen in a simple manner.


  1. Thanks for sharing this Mary Ellen. It's very clear.

  2. In our area, I wish this video followed every commercial for Coats. Every one of Dan Coats campaign commercials I have seen criticize Ellsworth for voting for health care reform. Not that I see a great many commercials but I have seen that one several times and it is annoying.

  3. I did some preliminary checking recently on health insurance. I didn't have any say I was ineligible but they might have well have. The quotes I received had monthly premiums of $500 or more, no Rx, no routine office visits, not much of anything and the least expensive of the bunch had a $5000 deductible per year.
    I'm not quite sure how this is an improvement for most folks. If you have a family with a couple of kids, the premium is even higher, and the $5000 deductible is per person.
    It's got to get better than that, I'm afraid.

  4. I would have to re watch the video to be sure but didn't it say the menu for health insurance plans started in 2014?

  5. I had to buy my own insurance a few years back - I was not fifty yet - and it cost me 200 a month. I had no out patient coverage just catastrophic health with a large deductable. In other words it only paid if I was in the hospital. But I did have an RX card that had a low co pay so that was nice.
