Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Book For The Week - 1/11/2011

Little Women
Louisa May Alcott

I took the  above photo  last fall when Peggy and I visited Concord Massachusetts.  It is a photo of the home that Louisa May Alcott grew up in and where she was inspired to write the novel Little Women.  While it is not a true story she did base a great deal of the personalities in the story on her own family.   As I have said before,  while visiting Concord,  I decided I wanted to experience some of the writings of the authors  homes we visited when I returned to my home.  Even though I read Little Women as a child,  I remembered very little of it,  so it was like hearing it for the first time.  The book came even more to life for me since I could remember what the house looked like.  More about the location HERE and more photos HERE.   An ebook of the novel can be found by clicking on the title of the book above.  Or listen to the audio below.


  1. I read Little Women as a girl and I adored it.

  2. I sure enjoyed listening to it after it had been so many years since I read it. In fact I remembered reading "Rose in Bloom" and "Eight Cousins" but did not remember reading "Little Women". Then when I would get to certain parts I would remember. For example when Jo cut her hair and sold it for medicine for her dad who was sick in the army hospital while he was away with the civil war was a part that I remembered. I have to say, I am not sure if it is just the time of year, but I cried alligator tears when Beth died.
