Friday, January 14, 2011

"Living Up To Our Children's Expectations"

This has been a busy week for me.  even having a snow day on Tuesday did not allow me enough time to process the loss that occurred   in my professional life  a week ago and in our nation on Saturday.   I did finally take the time to listen to our President's speech on the Arizona tragedy just now.   It is a speech that once again,  is excellent.  I predict that school children in the future will be memorizing the words of President Obama as they memorize the words of past presidents now.  He has stated many meaningful phrases over the past few years and I am sure he will continue to do so.  During this speech, while being  careful not to  place the blame on any one entity,  he mentioned debating the way we interact with one another,  the way we manage gun laws,  and the way our mental health system works, all as areas that would be appropriate to debate as a result of this sad event.  The following quote sums up one of the points in his speech.  "only a more civil and honest public discourse can help us face up to our challenges as a nation".
In closing,  in case anyone else missed his speech,  the video of it follows.


  1. he's a very strong, honest person...while I have my doubts about his strategy of " turn the other cheek"
    in my heart I hope it works for the good of us all.

  2. I don't think it hurts to have high ideals and reach for them. But pity the foolish person who backs me into a corner and proceeds in a threatening manner.

  3. Mr Obama's opposition has been known to slap the other cheek and if anyone knows that it should be him.

  4. There are those that, no matter what he says or does, are critical.

  5. very true...but his approval ratings are up so he must be doing something right..perhaps that's why he's prez and his critics aren't....:)
