Monday, August 8, 2011

She's Alive... Beautiful... Finite... Hurting... Worth Dying for.


  1. This is a very powerful and chilling message... Mother Earth certainly is hurting in so many ways and it is absolutely driving me wild to hear people say there is nothing we can do... The same with the "emotional" state of the world... I really don't have any huge mega brilliant ideas to change things, but I do know that giving up and wishing a total collapse is not the answer...thanks Mary for providing this film..

  2. YW Suz. I thought the video had really beautiful nature photos with a message that hit the nail on the head.

  3. What a combination of beauty and evil. Chills my bones.
    There are many brilliant ideas.
    Who is strong enough to fight the so very well financed of the greedy and uncaring?

  4. I don't know lurch. Perhaps there is power in numbers. If enough of us stick by our ideas then perhaps we can make a difference. If no one uses the greedy peoples services then they will lose money and find the green sources of energy will make them money too. I think a lot can be done with raising awareness and with education.
