Monday, October 17, 2011

The Immortal Life Of Henrietta Lacks

Written by Rebecca Skloot, the Immortal Life Of Henrietta Lacks is a book that will stay with me a very long time. I am almost done with it, in fact would have finished reading it on my Kindle last night if I could have stayed awake just a few more minutes so I am sure I will finish it tonight. It deals with the issues of research and gene patents and informed consent. It is excellently put together and I highly recommend it. I was most shocked by the story of Henrietta's one daughter who died shortly after her. I think because I kind of knew what happened with Henrietta but the young daughter's story caught me by surprise.


  1. One of my contacts here on Multiply reviewed this book and I knew I wanted to read it. It is a wonderful book.

  2. I'm so glad you enjoyed this book's different and such an incredible tale !

  3. Thank you so much SPQ for reviewing the book on your page. It is a story that everyone should be exposed to.
