Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Vacation September 2011 - Day Two

After leaving the lodge at ten am and not returning till twelve thirty am on Tuesday,  we decided to take Wednesday a little easier.   We didn't leave the lodge till close to eleven and headed to an area north east of Dayton rather than back into a city area.  We arrived at Springfield Ohio in time for a late lunch and then enjoyed a wonderful tour of The Westcott House. Peg and I both enjoy Frank Lloyd Wright houses and The Westcott House did not disappoint.   Although we had to dodge rain drops to get from the car into the house,  it was well worth the effort.    I was especially impressed by the way the master and mrs bedrooms were arranged.   Each had their own room at the front of the house upstairs.  They were next to each other with a door between.  The two of them took up the entire front of the house.  But what was really cool was that they were exact mirror images.  Each had their own walk in closets,  dressing rooms,  window seats,  bathrooms and bedroom areas that exactly  matched each other only backwards.   Pictures were not allowed inside the house and it was raining so we did not even think to hang around taking pictures after the tour.

After leaving Springfield Ohio we drove south to a little town called Yellow Springs.   I have been told on good authority that Yellow Springs was full of hippies before there was ever such a thing as a hippie.   I found the stores there delightful.   The first one we walked in was called Eco Mental and I bought  re-use-able coffee filters there.   The worst part was my umbrella kept collapsing.   The shopping was fine and we headed back to the lodge for a late dinner in the dining room.  What amazes me about traveling and eating out is the problem of getting enough fruit in one's diet.  It seems you either have to order desert or wine to get anything that is close to fruit.  After dining that night I made the sacrifice and ordered a desert that was bananas in warm rum.  It was wonderful.