The Balance Wheel
Back in about 1976 I watched a mini series on television based on a novel by Taylor Caldwell called Captains and The Kings. As is often the case, after watching a television show or movie based on a novel, I then read the book. In the case of Taylor Caldwell, this meant I read several of her books. I read: Dynasty of Death, The Balance Wheel, The Listener, Testimony of Two Men, and Captain and Kings. To be honest I did not care for The Listener at all and after reading it I didn't read any more of her books. But the Balance Wheel was a book that made an impression on me. It has been many years since I read it, and I could not find a good review to re-post, so I will try to say what impressed me about it. (And lets hope I don't have my books mixed up!) The Balance Wheel has two brothers in it who are running a family business that is a factory in a time when workers are rising up and forming unions. To me, one brother represents unbridled capitalism and the workers represent socialism while the other brother is "the balance wheel". He is the fair boss who while able to make a profit is also able to provide a living wage and decent working conditions for his employees. The book contains a great deal of conflict over this trio of interests. I wanted to post "The Balance Wheel" for my Book Tuesday this week because of recent current events regarding the US auto industry. Remember, if you click on the author's name you will follow the link to learn more about her.
The following is a video about the mini series that first peaked my interest in Taylor Caldwell's writing.
Out of my distant Book Club past Mary. I read many of Taylor Caldwell's books, and she wrote some that were definitely worth reading; I haven't read The Balance Wheel but will check it out.