Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Cry For Help

Someone sent me a link to this via email this morning and I wanted to share it in case people didn't see it.   It is very moving.


  1. Mary this was a heartrending comment. I am a faithful watcher of Olbermann's program so I saw this program. It was really a plea for the Health Care Reform bill to be passed, and as he said, though his father is suffering at least he has pain medication and a private room. Six months in intensive care would not be an option for someone without Health Insurance, and without the funds to pick up costs that are not covered. A few months ago K.O. reached out to his viewers to donate funds to allow free clinics throughout the country; he first donated 50K and within hours there was 1M in the fund. Several free health clinics have now been conducted with volunteer doctors and nurses, and funds are still being donated. Thousands of people have lined up for these clinics; sick people who stand in line for hours to be treated. Many are already so sick they are sent by ambulances to hospitals. This is so shocking in a country with as many resources as ours. I believe as more and more upper middle class workers are unemployed and lose their health insurance, the resistance to this legislation will be weakened.

  2. Sorry I do not watch Oberman or Rush Limbaugh and I can watch mos ton both sides. but i did watch most of his Utube about his dad if that is who he was speaking of.

  3. also some peoples deductibale is so high that even when they have insurance they are ruined before they even get better or at worst die and leave the bill for their survivors

  4. I enjoy watching or listening to both Olbermann and Michael Moore.
