Friday, September 23, 2011

Book For The Week - 9/24/11

Blackbird Fly


Lisa McClendon

From the Kindle Ad for this book:

"A house in France connects three women together -- the woman who owns the house, the woman who lives in the house, and the woman who died in the house sixty years before. Who are they? Merle Bennett inherits the house of her late husband, in a small village in the Dordogne. But when she arrives a deranged squatter won't let her inside. Who is the woman? What is her connection to Merle's husband? Secrets from the post-war period, when southwest France was crushed and left to wither by Nazi occupation, and secrets of a newer kind, occupy what should be a fine French summer for Merle. With her teenage son in tow, a sexy roofer in her kitchen, and a nasty discovery in the pissoir, there is plenty to keep her mind off her endless to-do list. A story of murder, self-discovery, and family, deep in the heart of France.
"A heartbreakingly beautiful story of love, loss, sisterhood, and the ties that bind us together," says novelist Jenny Siler."

(This was on the free list for my kindle shortly after I received it for my birthday and I picked it to try.  I enjoyed reading it.  The story held my interest.  It had a good share of wine,  sex,  friendships,  bad marriages, and murder in it.  I would not call it the best book I ever read in 2011 but it did the job I wanted it to.  It cleared my mind so I could sleep soundly when I was ready to put it down.  And it held my interest enough that I was in no hurry to put it down.  As always click on the author's name and the book title to follow the links to  learn more. )


  1. I've enjoyed some free books on Kindle...good writers come in all prices ranges. Thanks for the review,Mary.

  2. I check the free list off and on and have downloaded several and have finished and enjoyed two now off the free list. Next I am going to read one on my kindle that I purchased after reading one of your reviews SPQ. The Henrietta Lacks one.
