Monday, September 5, 2011

Book For The Week - 9/5/11

I finished up this delightful fluff book early this morning.   Since I got my kindle I have been throwing  a load of laundry into the washer or starting the dishwasher  and curling up with my kindle.  When the appliance is done I throw the stuff in the dryer (in the case of the washer)  and go on to bed.   Except last night.  I started the washer as usual and started reading.  I was about 75% done with "Lye in Wait"  by Cricket McRae.   I never heard the washer buzz.   The next thing I knew I was at the end of the book and it was 4:30 a.m.   This is a fun little book.  It is one of those mystery stories that doesn't take a lot of brain power to follow.   The main character makes home made soaps, lotions and lip balms as the story unfolds and then at the end of the book the recipes for the items she makes are all listed.   I got this book off the free list at Amazon's kindle's bestsellers page.  I am sure when I am ready for another fluff book that this series will be one of the ones I rotate through.   Follow THIS LINK to the author's website to learn more. 


  1. Thats's a great set of titles she has for her books. I enjoy getting engrossed in a good mystery, especially if it can look and find you've been so immersed the time has just flown!

  2. It was a fun book Doug. I did think, after I had posted this, that perhaps I should clarify one thing. I do not go to bed at ten or eleven like other people. I work till after eleven and drive forty five minutes home. And then there is wind down time. So I went to bed at two thirty or three and lost track of time reading till four thirty. That is not like other people going to bed at ten and reading till four thirty. But never the less, I never did hear the washer buzzer.

  3. I had a similar swing shift for five years when I worked in the Bay Area, Mary Ellen , so I know exactly what you mean. You can't just fall into bed at midnight and turn off the lights.
