Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Just Another Woman

I probably oue you an email.  Or maybe a text message or even a phone call.  My last few blogs have been rushed.  And any FB postings have  been on the fly.  So I thought perhaps I would take just a minute to update in a general blog because I don't have time to answer the growing pile of emails in my ebox and let people know I did not fall off the side of the earth.  Well maybe I did kind of sort of fall in something.  Seriously though,  exchanging 5200 text messages with one person and spending  innumerable phone minutes with him since the third week of October does not leave a girl a lot of spare time.  Since I am not sure where to start perhaps I will start with the past weekend.

My last trip had been in August to see my son in Denver.  I have pretty much been home since then.  So I was over due for a road trip.   Bruce had been to NE Indiana three times and since it was my weekend off and he had visitation with his youngest son I was invited to Ohio for the weekend.  It was beautiful weather for the first of December driving down and I took the scenic route leaving south out of Fort Wayne and down through Decatur and across 33 to 75.  The small towns were fun to drive through and there was much to see.  Things got especially picturesque as I passed through the area SE of Dayton.  I arrived safely late Saturday afternoon as clearly I don't leave early in the morning for any where and also I wanted to allow space for those visiting on the other end.  The GPS that Nicole and Michael  gave me for my birthday got me there although I am still more than a little awkward with using it.  After  arriving we watched a documentary that I had started to watch with Nick in Denver and then it had become time to leave to catch my  train so I missed the end.  Said son G was into a ball game on the tube in the living room so we watched the following on the television in the TV room.

Following which said son G chose where we went to dinner and while there daughter A arrived with her husband and two of her children so I met a few more family members.  After dinner we watched a movie which even though it had won an Academy award a few years ago I had never seen so was glad to get to watch it.  It was excellent:

On Sunday we took said son G to a buddy's to throw around a foot ball and lunched at Ruby Tuesdays.  After which we wandered around a large flea market that is located near Kings Island.  I headed home around ten Sunday p.m. and had the unfortunate experience of driving through way to much fog but since I had to work on Monday afternoon I felt it was necessary.

So as you can see I am busy.  If you are in the category of my life that is dubbed "close female friend"  you have been hearing from me.  Other wise your email, text or phone call has probably been  left unanswered.  Certainly at 55 both Bruce and I have each gathered enough baggage to proceed with some caution.  Never the less we have now dubbed this as "seeing each other"  and clearly we both are saying "so far so good".   So um,  you know how it is . . . 

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