Daoud Hair
( It was by accident that I obtained this audio book and listened to it. The March selection for the book group I am in at the local library is The Translator by Lelia Aboulela. When I did a search on and the book by the same title different author came up I was confused and chose it to listen to. It was a mistake that was a real eye opener. I will have nightmares for a long time over some of the images described in the words of this story. Nevertheless I recommend that others educate themselves about this situation and listening to or reading this book would be a good start. Please click on the title and the author's name to learn more. And follow THIS LINK to learn of recent headlines in the area where the book takes place.)
the news from that area of the world is always sad...
ReplyDeleteTo hear of what goes on in different areas of Africa always makes me tell myself to stop whining about whatever my current gripe is. I feel so lucky to be a woman in the place and time that I am in rather than where and when most women of the world and of history have had to be women. So very lucky.