Thursday, March 3, 2011

Universal Declaration Of Human Rights

   "On December 10, 1948 the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights."   If you don't have time to watch the entire thing please scroll to 15:18 and listen to one right in particular.


  1. Actually start listening at about 14:24 if you are in a hurry.

  2. This document was written partially by Eleanor Roosevelt who chaired the committee at the First and Second General Assemblies of the UN that drafted it. When she defended it, during the campaign for its successful passage in 1948, she termed it "the Magna Charta for the World." While the US passed it at the General Assembly, it has failed to approve it as a treaty, thus it has no status other than symbolic. It has formed the basis of most of the post WW II constitutions written in the world. Eight countries disapproved of the Declaration - Byelorussian SSR, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Ukrainian SSR, USSR, as well as Yugoslavia, South Africa and Saudi Arabia.

  3. This video includes part of Eleanor Roosevelt's speech at the time of the UDHR adoption:

  4. I've always thought that posting The Seven Deadly Sins in schools as opposed to the 10 Commandments would be an improvement (if they're really that intent on posting something.) But now I'm thinking that posting The Universal Declaration of Human Rights might make the best post of all.
    In addition, perhaps it could be incorporated into the Bill of Rights. (Fat chance, I know, but that can't stopping me from wishing.)

  5. I should think since the US is a member of the UN and the UN says this document is what we should strive for then the US by their membership would be saying that they wish to strive for these human rights as a country and as a world.
