Monday, May 15, 2017

Everyone Brave Is Forgiven by Chris Cleave


This World War II novel really held my attention.  From the New York Times best seller list,  Everyone Brave Is Forgiven is the story of four London friends during WWII. One of them is killed during the blitz,  one loses his hand while in the military,  one has a limp obtained while driving an ambulance during the blitz,  and one has scars on her face from shrapnel she was hit with while working as a nurse on an ambulance during the blitz.  The story addresses several social issues that were problems during this time of British history.  It is also a love story.  It is written in easy language  to understand.  The author was inspired to write the book after reading his grandparents love letters that were written during WWII.  It is a fiction book but the  experiences of both his maternal and paternal grandparents are blended together to form parts of the story.  I enjoyed this book very much.  Please click on the book title and author's name above to follow the links to more information.  Also please enjoy the video that follows.  

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