Sunday, July 26, 2009

Are you comfortable?

From the book group we had on Multiply:

This is liable to take some time, so make sure the iron is off and the tea pot is not boiling over, and you may want to turn off the roast in the oven.
When Mary asked me to co-host this book, I figured, why not? Peaceful little piece of fluff by a guy who made a living writing about zoos for dinosaurs, and nano-mobiles to go inside your blood vessels. Entertaining, to be sure, but stories to be taken with a large grain of salt. I envisioned Chrichton with his tongue placed firmly in his teeth, having a good chuckle at those naive to believe that he was a scientist and not just an author.
So along comes State Of Fear and at first I thought it was still tongue in cheek, a parody perhaps of the war between the environmentalists and the industrialists. I thought it was his answer to "Goldfinger" or "Live and Let Die". If you look carefully you will find a wannabe James Bond lurking around the endless cocktail parties saying, "Shaken not stirred."
 At first that is what I thought. Then suddenly, I got this eerie feeling that Crichton had filled his head with so much data supplied by God knows who (although not hard to guess) that he fell into the trap of many a BS artist before him. He forgot where the "shaggy dog story" left off and "truth" began and confused himself and probably a few readers as well.
But that is only my opinions, and as we all know, opinions are like arm pits. Nearly everybody has a couple, and they usually stink.
To fortify my position on this, I called upon a couple of "associates" to get their take on things.
Even though I don't know these guys personally, they don't know that, and the brotherhood of the PhD opens a few doors upon which I was able to capitalize.
The first person I am going to trot out here is Jeffrey Masters, PhD.
Click on his name to glance at his bona fides.
To read what he says about State of Fear, go the BAM Blog entitled "Jeffrey Masters' Review of State of Fear."
Now, if you want to get out your leathers and chains and get down and dirty on this Global Warming issue, I encourage you to visit 
Dr. Stephen Schneider's web site.
Between what he has on his web site, and the multiple hyper-links he offers,you will find everything you needed to know but were afraid to ask about Global Warming and other environmental issues.
Of course if you have already decided that the whole thing a hoax and a scam, yadda, yadda, yadda, then it won't make any difference. For those who believe what these two scholars say, then I am preaching to the choir.
What I am hoping to do is find a few folks who haven't made up their minds based upon propaganda, and hearsay and rhetoric who will look at the math. If the numbers compute, then the decision should be easy.
Co-hosting with Mary has been real and it has been fun, and upon occasion even real fun.
If BAM survives the next 60 days, and the invitation is extended I may come back again to stir up another hornets nest.
Timothy D. Culey, PhD.


  1. Hey, da nada! Haven't had this much fun with my clothes on since I watched LSU beat the pants off of Tennessee while drinking beer and enjoying some roast beast at Al Gore's house.
    As I recall it was an extraordinarily hot day, and I said to Al, "Waddya think about Global Warming?" He said, "The jury is still out and isn't expected to end their deliberations for a couple more hundred millennium have past. Then there will be the appeals process which should take another hundred millennium or so. So I guess we will just have to wait and see."
    Any doubt as to why he is both a Lawyer and a Politician?
    Those guys can use more words to say so little that is so ambiguous and rally more people to their cause, even if they aren't sure what it is.

    I remember seeing a bumper sticker on a pick up truck in Louisiana back in the late 1970 when the Opec people put the squeeze on us and gas prices went sky high.

    The bumper stick said, "Turn your thermostats up. Let the Yankees freeze to death in the dark."

    Can't top that ...
