Thursday, July 23, 2009

Preview of coming attractions

From the book group we had at Multiply:

Mary asked me a couple of months back if I would co-host this month with her in discussing Sate of Fear. I was familiar with the book and the controversy surrounding it when it was first published and even now by those who use it to either debunk their opponents theories or to support their own.
I knew this was going to be a vast project and I didn't want to do it half vast, so I put the "PhD" to work, sent out a few emails, made few phone calls to former associates in the teaching profession, one of whom is the Chief Meteorologist for the State of Louisiana.
I played the Devil's advocate (which never is a good way to win friends and influence people, but it is SOOO much fun, who cares?)
I didn't exactly pit one against the other because it really wasn't necessary. They both gleefully responded addressing the book how it relates to their own ideas and opinions.
I've condensed down what each said to a couple pages each, and before the weekend is out I will put one or maybe both out here and we can really kick the old bladder around the final week of our discussion.
Some people like to think of me as an old curmudgeon, which is cool. I, however like to think of myself as a Diplomat. I love to hear several friends arguing about something, knowing  that they are ALL wrong, yet smile and say nothing.  No wait ... that isn't me. I;ll have to get back to you on that as soon as the weather cools down again and I get back to living in the State of Arkansas instead of the State of Fear.
As we get ready to wrap this sucka up for the month, I would like to take just a moment to run a commercial.
Being an associate-administrator or Co-Administrator can be fun and challenging, but Mary and Annie who are the full time administrators work their Biblical Donkeys off (Alright, Annie, where is the damned apostrophe supposed to go on that word?) They selflessly give of their time and their talent, perhaps ignoring more important things (I haven't heard Annie speak of Starbucks Ice Cream in months, and even though Mary and I had an absolutely delightful dialog about the difference between an 'oral' thermometer' and a 'rectal thermometer,' her being a nurse and all, that was some time ago too.
What? You don't KNOW the difference?. Quite elementary, my dear Watson. "TASTE."
To be quite honest with you, there is some serious discussion about this being the final curtain for BAM unless we can find some others willing to step up the plate and take a cut at the old horsehide.
Mary has listed a number of areas where people are needed to keep this thing running (check out her Notes on the Home Tab).
If you have a little time and a little expertise in any one or more of those areas, please consider helping.
I for one would really hate to see this organization become extinct.
It's bad enough that we lost the Passenger Pigeons, the cute little White Seal Pups and the Whales, and the climate is either getting hotter or colder or stinkier or not and there are so many Liars, or well meaning misinformed folks and lawyers, general folks out there and politicians (the only way to tell for sure if a politician is lying to you is to watch his mouth very carefully. If his lips move when he speaks, he is lying) it would be a shame to lose this forum of free exchange of ideas.
Be a volunteer, give blood .. oh wait, wrong speech, sorry. Do the right thing.
Remember Jesus loves you, and it's a damned good think, because you need all the love you can get!


  1. Mysty will be hosting "The Da Vinci Code" in August - and is looking for someone who is willing to co host with her - and I will do the front page for her if no one else is willing. But after August . . . no one has run a nomination blog. . . I, too, would hate to see the group stop moving forward and hope that some people are willing to step up to the plate.

  2. Just check out the archives to see all the neat books we have done in the past 15 months!


    Things certainly do not have to be done in the same way that we have done things in the past if new people have new ideas on how to proceed.

  4. As I prepare to put State Of Fear on the shelf and am on the second to the last CD of the The Da Vinci Code, I am saddened that no one has stepped forth to be the person who puts up a nominations post so that we can continue with a selection in September. It has been a fun year at BAM.
