Friday, October 15, 2010

God In America: Watch the Full Program Online | PBS
Six hour long segments. I haven't watched it yet but posting it will allow me to find it again easily.


  1. I just watched the second episode. I liked the parts about Thomas Jefferson and the Bill Of Rights and the parts toward the end about the Irish Catholics and the public school system in New York City. Some of the so called experts on the time period of the early 1800s caused me to roll my eyes a bit. But it is interesting to see the history behind how we got to where we are today as a country.

  2. I have finished the third episode. It is about the religious under tones of the civil war.

  3. The fourth episode is very interesting. It starts with the Jewish Immigrants and their arguments regarding reform and goes into the late 1800s when some Christian church leaders begin to argue against a literal interpretation of the Bible. It ends with the Scopes Monkey Trial and the riff between the people who believe science and the people who do not accept evolution. I was disappointed they did not mention Ralph Waldo Emerson.

  4. I finished the last two episodes and would recommend if one does not watch any of the rest of it that they watch the ending. While I enjoyed the parts about the court battles in the separation of church and state in the second to the last episode the last four minutes are very good.
