Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Trailer for Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps

You may recall that I mentioned two weeks ago that Mark and I wanted to see the sequel to the 1987 Wall Street - "Money Never Sleeps". We did so this evening. The movie portrays the stock market crash we experienced a couple of years ago only using fictitious company names. The greed of people continues to be the theme in this movie as it was the first one. At least in the movie people were in trouble for their actions at the end. That made it better than what happened in real life where no one got in trouble but instead got lots of tax payer money. Sigh. I sure hope the government does not give our social security to wall street like the republicans want to.


  1. I saw the movie and didn't totally like it for reasons I can't say without spoiling the plot. But where they focused on the greed and ability of people to make money easily if they are already rich and the ruthlessness with which they get money or what they want - that part I liked.

  2. Wasn't he the banker that was under investigation at the end? He played an ugly guy as far as personality. The one that scratched the green energy investment because it might work and he was into his oil companies?

  3. I thought Shia La beouf looked pretty good and that he did a nice job. I guess I have some cougar in me.

  4. Who was La beouf? The young trader? He was ok, too young for me. But go cougar!!

    Brolin was the one who had the art collection and was under investigation. Yeah, he's young too.

  5. La Beouf was Gekko's daughter's flame. And yes, way too young. Younger than my youngest child in fact.
