Monday, July 20, 2015

Wagons West: Independence by Dana Fuller Ross


Independence is the first book in a series of 25 Wagons West books written by Noel Gerson under the pen name of Danna Fuller Ross.  It is about a fictitious wagon train that the book  presents as the first wagon train to travel the Oregon Trail.  I can find no historical record of this wagon train or any of the people depicted to be on board.  I also can find no indication  of the story line in the book that the British or the Russians tried to sabotage any of our wagon trains.  Although  it is true that the British did not want to help the settlers to succeed once they got to Oregon.  The routine of the pioneers on the wagon train in the book also differs from what I understand the true routine that was followed to be.  But it is the Hollywood version of how things were on the wagon trains and it is a fun book.  So therefore while the author takes great poetic license when it comes to historical accuracy the book is a very enjoyable novel.  It has adventure and romance and is a fun and easy read.  In this first book of the series the wagon train starts out in Connecticut and travels as far as Independence Missouri, which is where the Oregon Trail actually began.  Of the 25 books the first four have to do with the Oregon Trail and I will probably finish those.  I doubt I continue on with the series after that.  The characters in the book are likable and the book is one I would recommend for light reading.  Please click on the book title and authors name above to follow the link to more information.  And enjoy the following video that I took of the wagon river crossing simulator at the National Park Interpretive Center in Casper Wyoming. 

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