Saturday, March 25, 2017

The Grandfather's Birthdate Saturday Night Challenge

This week's Saturday night challenge involves a Grandfather's Birthdate and the original post along with links to the participants posts can be found HERE.  The actual challenge is worded as follows:

1)  What day of the week was your Grandfather born (either one)? Tell us how you found out.

2) What has happened in recorded history on your Grandfather's birth date (day and month)? Tell us how you found out, and list five events.

3)  What famous people have been born on your Grandfather's birth date?  Tell us how you found out, and list five of them.

4)  Put your responses in your own blog post, in a comment on this blog post, or in a status or comment on Facebook.

Fred Edwin Rohrer
my paternal grandfather
9/7/1903 - 11/1/1985

1) September 7, 1903 was a Monday.  I googled the date asking what day of the week it was to get the answer.  The link I found the answer at is HERE.  

2) I found the answers to what happened on the date by googling it HERE.  Five events are:
  1. 9/7/1940 the London Blitz began.  
  2. 9/7/1979 Chrysler Bail Out
  3. 9/7/2008 FHFA takes over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
  4. 9/7/2008 Hurricane Gladys pounds East Coast
  5. 9/7/1979 ESPN debuts on cable tv
3) I googled this question also and found the answers Here.   The following were born on 9/7.
  1. Queen Elizabeth in 1533
  2. Buddy Holly 1936
  3. J.P. Morgan Jr 1867
  4. Grandma Moses 1860
  5. Laura Ashley 1925

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